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China Steel accelerates low-carbon transition to create new competitive advantage



On September 14, 2021, Mr. Li Xinchuang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chief Engineer of the Institute of Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research, and a foreign academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, was invited to participate in the "2021 FMG Technical Forum" and gave a keynote speech on "Reinventing the Development of China's Steel Industry with Low Carbon as the Leader".

On September 14, 2021, Mr. Li Xinchuang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chief Engineer of the Institute of Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research, and a foreign academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, was invited to participate in the "2021 FMG Technical Forum" and gave a keynote speech on "Reinventing the Development of China's Steel Industry with Low Carbon as the Leader". The keynote presentation was "Reinventing China's Steel Industry with Low Carbon".

Characteristics and trends of the Chinese steel industry

As a basic industry of the national economy, the steel industry is an important symbol of a country's comprehensive national strength and industrialization, and is one of the most hardcore manufacturing industries. China's steel industry has five main characteristics: it supports the country's rapid economic development, is a typical technology-intensive industry, makes the world a better place, is the most globally competitive industry in China, and will lead the development of the world's steel industry in the long run.

So far, China's steel industry has achieved "5G" competitiveness (good scale, good price, good products, good brand, good service), has been in the quantity period of the reduction phase, high-quality period of restructuring phase and the intermediate transition to strengthen the environmental protection phase of the three-phase superposition, is to high-quality period of low-carbon stage evolution. In the future, low carbon will lead the Chinese steel industry to form a new balance of supply and demand, promote new technological advances, create a new industrial landscape, build a safe supply chain, and build a prosperous ecosystem.

From the current situation of China's steel industry operation, crude steel production growth is narrowing, steel consumption to maintain growth, steel trade shows new changes, iron ore prices continue to fall after the high, corporate profit levels continue to improve, steel prices remain stable. Taking into account the macro economy, industrial policy, the development of the main downstream steel industry and other internal and external factors, China's steel demand is expected to hover high in the short term; but in the carbon peak, carbon neutral target led by the medium and long-term steel demand will be a slow decline.

Opportunities and challenges for Chinese steel under the "double carbon" target

In the global low-carbon development trend, whoever achieves low-carbon transformation first will be able to take the initiative in the future competition. In recent years, more and more countries have proposed a "Green New Deal" to clarify their low-carbon goals. The introduction of China's "3060" target is an important strategic decision to coordinate the international and domestic situation, and is a historic revolution in production, consumption, technology, economy and energy system. Compared with the previous two targets, China's new peak targets and carbon neutral vision are more ambitious, demonstrating the role of a great power and fully reflecting China's determination and confidence in low-carbon development.

The Chinese state attaches great importance to the implementation of the "double carbon" target and accelerates the solid and orderly implementation of various tasks, successively introduces low-carbon related policies, continuously improves the carbon emission trading mechanism, and officially launches the online trading of the national carbon emission trading market. In this context, China's steel industry, as an important area for implementing carbon emission reduction, has both opportunities and challenges. In terms of opportunities, low-carbon development will help China's steel industry to build a higher level of dynamic balance between supply and demand, optimize the process structure, promote the technological revolution, promote intelligent upgrading, accelerate the depth of multi-industry synergy, collaborate to promote environmental governance, deepen the concept of the whole product life cycle, and will help the industry's low-carbon standardization work. From the perspective of challenges, the low-carbon transformation of China's steel industry is time-critical and task-heavy, and must achieve peak and carbon reduction in a relatively short period of time; most enterprises are in the primary stage of low-carbon development, with weak technology, talent and other basic capabilities; different enterprises have different levels of development, different levels of low-carbon development, and different carbon reduction space; the short process accounts for a large gap, the overall cost competitiveness of electric furnace steel is weak, and process structure optimization The short process ratio is large, the overall cost competitiveness of electric furnace steel is weak, and the optimization of process structure still faces obstacles; and the coverage of green design products is insufficient.

According to the national "double carbon" work node, China's steel industry must go through four stages of low-carbon transition: peak carbon emissions, steady decline, substantial decline, and deep decarbonization. At this stage, China's steel industry has already prepared a preliminary carbon peak and carbon reduction action plan. Focusing on key areas and key tasks, the carbon peak and carbon reduction path of China's steel industry focuses on six aspects: firstly, promoting green layout; secondly, energy saving and energy efficiency; thirdly, optimizing energy use and process structure; fourthly, building circular economy industry chain; fifthly, applying breakthrough low-carbon technology; sixthly, doing a good job in system construction and policy system support.
